Access Automakers Security Gateways

Automakers started integrating security gateway modules (SGM/SGW) into their new vehicles, starting with 2017/2018 model vehicles. The systems act as firewalls, preventing unauthorized access to critical vehicle systems and preventing aftermarket scan tools from performing many diagnostic and service functions, including maintenance resets, active tests, and other bi-directional controls, module programming and coding, special functions, Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) calibrations, and even clearing codes.
Automakers with security gateways installed include Stellantis (Dodge, Chrysler, Ram, Alfa Romeo, FIAT, and Maserati), Nissan, VW/Audi, and Mercedes-Benz. All North American Autel tablets with active subscriptions support security gateway access.
Unlock Your Tablet’s Full Potential

Access Volkswagen and Audi Security Gateway Access on Your Autel Tablet
Autel is proud to be one of North America’s first aftermarket diagnostic tool makers to offer access to the security gateway module on Volkswagen and Audi vehicles. Starting with 2018 models, the Volkswagen/Audi Group integrated its version of the security gateway, Schutz Fahrzeug Diagnose (SFD), translated as Vehicle Diagnostic Protection on its vehicles.
Models 2018 & Newer
Including ID.4 (2021 & Newer), Atlas (2024 & Newer),
Golf GTI, and Golf R (2022 & Newer)
Models 2018 & Newer
Including A3 (2020 & Newer), Q4 E-Tron (2021 & Newer),
and Q5 E-Tron (2022 & Newer)
Unrestricted Access to Vehicle
Diagnostics, Testing, and Services
Autel negotiated with the Volkswagen/Audi Group to enable our tablets to access the gateway and perform formerly restricted actions, including bi-directional controls, ADAS calibrations, parameter adjustments, and sensor relearns.
Autel users can purchase 24-hour access to one vehicle for $15 or a full year of access and unlimited VINs for $120 directly from a tablet. Credit cards and PayPal are available payment methods.

How to access the security gateway on SFD-equipped Volkswagen or Audi vehicles on your tablet
Purchase Access: one-VIN 24 hour or one-year with unlimited VINs access for $120
Link Autel Tablet To Your Registered Email Address via Google Authenticator

STEP 1: Link Your Tablet to Your Email Address: Two-Factor Authentication using Google Authenticator

STEP 3: Ensure the email address displayed is accessible from your cell phone. Tap SEND
OR: Tap Change Email to Access User Profile and Enter Your Email Address
Access Email on Your Cell Phone

Copy 16-digit key in email message

Download Google Authenticator App

- Add Account
- Name Account
- Input 16-digital key
- Select Time Based
- Tap Add

Get 6-digit code
Complete Setup on Tablet

STEP 8: Tap Security Access Login

STEP 9: Tap Authentication

STEP 10: Enter 6-digit Code from Google Authenticator

Authentication Successful
Purchase One-Time or One -Year Access

Credit Card and PayPal Accepted
Looking for Stellantis, Nissan, and Mercerdes-Benz?
To enable our users to realize the full potential of our tools’ diagnostic and servicing capabilities, Autel has implemented two gateway access strategies. For Stellantis, Nissan, and Mercedes-Benz vehicles, users must register their shop and Autel tablet with Auto Authentication Authority (AutoAuth).